Oct 9 Mon Last day to register to vote in the Nov 6 general election

Oct 15 Mon Advance (in person) voting starts

Oct 26-27 Ludwig Von Mises Institute 30th Anniversary Celebration, Callaway Gardens, Pine Mountain. www.mises.org

Oct 27 Sat Early voting


Nov 9-11 Fri-Sun Ga Literary Festival, Golden Isles

Dec 1 Sat 1:00-5:00 pm Magnolia Garden Club 4th Annual Historic Christmas Tour http://mgcbrunswickga.blogspot.com


May 17 and 18, 2013, State GOP Convention in Athens, GA

Sunday, April 1, 2012

2012 First Congressional District Convention

New to the presidential year convention process?Learn more about the typical scenarios and this year’s First District Convention. 

First Congressional District Republican convention, Glynn Academy Auditorium, Brunswick, GA 31520.
Registration fee:  $25 for Delegates, $20 for Alternates, and $10 for guests.
Registration opens 9:00 am, convention to order at 10:00 am by First District Chair Ruby Robinson.

Who can participate? The delegates and alternates elected from March 10 conventions in these counties:
Bryan; Camden; Charlton; Chatham; Effingham; Glynn, Long, Liberty, Lowndes, McIntosh, Ware, Wayne and perhaps a few others I missed or that might not have held County Conventions. It appears from 150-200 delegate and alternate slots were allocated; not all were filled.

What is the convention business? To elect 3 delegates and 3 alternates to the national convention in Tampa in August. Any eligible Georgia voter can be nominated and elected as delegate or alternate; rules do not require you be present to be elected.  Those elected from the Ga First District will be bound by the State GOP rules and election laws that allocate delegate votes proportionally to Newt Gingrich (2) and Mitt Romney (1) on the first two ballots.

How are delegates selected? They are elected at the convention by all district delegates and it is normally highly competitive. This is the ultimate role from the congressional district. Note delegates are not chosen by the nominating committee. There are several steps from temporary nominating committee, to permanent nominating committee, to the approval of rules to elect by “slate” or by individual post. Generally,
·        The district chairman appoints a temporary nominating committee.
·        The names of all temporary nominating committee members are “public” and known by all delegates. Delegates from the counties receive info on whom to contact, how, and when.
·        The temporary committee solicits names of those who want to go to the national convention as national delegates. They may request resumes. They may schedule telephone interviews. Or they may ask the candidates to appear early at the District Convention for interviews with the Committee.
·        Often your County Chairman will also assist leading Republicans in your county in getting support to become a national delegate.

·        The temporary nominating committee meets on-site during the registration period.
·        The convention starts and after credentials are established, the delegates vote to accept or change the temporary nominating committee.  If the delegates approve the Chairman’s temporary committee, it becomes the permanent committee. If not, new members are selected.
·        The convention is in recess (and usually hears speeches) while the committees meet.

Convention 2012 contacts:
·        First Congressional District GOP chair is Ruby Robinson.
·        Temporary nominating committee chair: Sheila Miner Galbreath, 23756 Highway 144, Richmond Hill, Ga. 31324 (912)727-2109 fish1@clds.net Sheila says to send your request and resume to her by April 6.
She says she’s not disclosing the other members of the committee – to protect their privacy.
·        Other committees – Resolutions, Sergeant at Arms, Arrangements – haven’t been named as of April 1. If you have suggestions please contact Ruby Robinson 912-266-0466

(Yours truly has attended these conventions during TEN presidential cycles and was elected alternate national delegate from the First District in 1980. In addition to prior years of volunteer campaign work and leadership in different GOP organizations, it really helped that I was a young female at a time when most GOP activists and delegates were men in their 40’s – 70’s.)

From Glynn County:District delegates 
Precinct Name LastName FirstName
D1 5193 City Rec BELT STEPHEN
D2 2293 St Williams BOLAND JANIS
D3 1273 Sterling Elementary CHAPMAN JEFFREY
D4 1273 Sterling Elementary Chapman Lyndon
D5 2293 St Williams COOK JOANN
D7 2393 Oglethorpe Point COX Wesley
D6 2393 Oglethorpe Point COX DEIRDRE
D8 2293 St Williams KELLY WILLIAM (Harry)
D9 4193 Beverly Shores KILGORE JEFFREY
D11 1273 Sterling Elementary LYNCH LARRY
D12 4193 Beverly Shores Massari Pasquale (Pat)
D13 4193 Beverly Shores MASSARI PAULA
D14 4193 Beverly Shores MCVEIGH PATRICIA
D15 2493 Jekyll Island Murphy Jane
D16 2293 St Williams PETERS MARJORIE
D17 2293 St Williams PROVENZANO DALE
D18 4393 Ballard Rec REYNA REBA
D19 4193 Beverly Shores ROBINSON RUBY
D20 2293 St Williams ROZIER LISA
D10 2193 First Baptist SSI SANDERS ANTHONY (Mike)
D21 2493 Jekyll Island STOCK RONALD
D22 2293 St Williams TROBAUGH KENNETH
D23 2393 Oglethorpe Point Truett Thomas
D24 4393 Ballard Rec WATSON NOEL
D25 White Ray
D26 Wilson Tim 
D27 1173 Sterling Church of G WRIGHT SAMUEL
From Glynn County District alternates

Precinct Name LastName FirstName
A1 5293 Burroughs Molette Chancey Linda
A2 1273 Sterling Elementary CHAPMAN ANGELA
A3 5193 City Rec DEAN SANDRA
A26 3173 Christian Renewal DIETERMAN BARBARA
A25 3173 Christian Renewal GOUGH KEVIN
A16 3173 Christian Renewal JONES JEFFREY
A15 2193 First Baptist SSI KACOS MARK
A4 2193 First Baptist SSI LEWIS CHARLES
A12 4393 Ballard Rec LIPTHRATT JACK
A5 2293 St Williams LOUPEE PAUL
A6 1273 Sterling Elementary LYNCH SHARON
A7 3173 Christian Renewal MARTINEZ KRISTINE
A8 4193 Beverly Shores MCVEIGH NORMAN (Shaw)
A9 4193 Beverly Shores MONTGOMERY DONALD
A24 4193 Beverly Shores NELSON LANA
A27 3173 Christian Renewal PARMLEY MARLENE
A10 1303 Satilla Marsh PRICE RICHARD
A11 2493 Jekyll Island ROBINSON SUSAN
A13 1373 Marshes of Glynn ROSS LINDA
A14 1373 Marshes of Glynn ROSS VICTOR
A17 4193 Beverly Shores Stoddard Edwin
A18 2293 St Williams TAYLOR III CHARLES
A19 5193 City Rec TUBBS THOMAS
A21 4393 Ballard Rec Wallace William
A20 4393 Ballard Rec WALLACE PATSY
A22 1373 Marshes of Glynn WENDEL SUSAN
A23 1173 Sterling Church of G WRIGHT LYNNE

Delegates elected: Ann Mueller (Chatham); Ruby Robinson (Glynn); Steven Lambeth (Chatham? )
Atlernates elected: Kay Godwin (Ware?); Wes Cox (Glynn); Carl Smith (Chatham?)
These were results I gathered from different people attending the convention. I have seen nothing officially communicated by first district chair Ruby Robinson or anyone else

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